HTB Business CTF 2024 - Recruitment [blockchain]
Difficulty : Very easy
Team : Phreaks2600
Do you think you have what it takes to live up to this crew? apply and prove it.
The challenge need us to “apply” by sending some specific value to fill the requirements.
This challenge was my first blockchain challenge solved in CTF (except in root-me). I used a VM with debian to solve this but is possible on any linux distro (maybe windows but idk)
Reading the smart contract
We can apply by interacting with the function application(uint16 input1, string memory input2)
by supplying two parameters.
Reading the contract Recruitment.sol
We understand that to get recruited we need to:
- send an interaction when the timestamp is odd (we can’t influence on that, just call the function a few time)
- input1 == 1337
- block.number < 20 : we have to solve in under 20 transaction
- gasleft <= 50000
- input2 == BOOM
Getting familiar with the instance
Blockchain challenges on hackthebox are not on sepolia network but on a local networ using anvil
Starting the instance we got two ip, one for the RPC endpoint and one to get the flag and other informations.
We have got two IPs but the first time i saw it i didn’t understand the frick it was for. Then i used netcat to contact them and one gave me a response:
1 - Connection information
2 - Restart Instance
3 - Get flag
action? 1
Private key : 0x0a5c3d2e7717a2f9292d5f13084352a800cad51eb923b169184b22f9863ad554
Address : 0xF7b5424a61fFD3Afa8B2a1350d94Ff06D1f13eF7
Target contract : 0x03d65b9e5740f7a8b8c9aAfAc74fB26Ff2328eC4
Setup contract : 0x6224fF48Af65663fB8b10CF830ECAC6F75B674f6
But i was still not familiar with HackTheBox’s game so i decided to try basic command on the second IP which did not respond at first.
For that i used the INCREDIBLE, ONLY and ONE cast cli utility from foundry-rs framework.
I can for instance check the balance of my contract with this noob tier command without environment variables : cast balance 0xF7b5424a61fFD3Afa8B2a1350d94Ff06D1f13eF7 --rpc-url http://<IP>:<PORT>
So now i understand that i got my address, my private key and the target contract address and how to interact with it.
To make commands easier, i will set local environment variables in a file name .env
And apply the variables: source .env
I also noticed that cast blockchain spells with cast send
doesn’t increase block number if the transaction fail due to the require
in the target contract. So i can try multiple time until i got it right..
Getting recruited
For applying we need to interact with the function application
which has the signature : application(uint16,string)
To prove we are not unlucky, just run the transaction couple of times until it work. If it doesn’t, the transaction will just revert.
To pass the captcha, we need to have tx.origin == msg.sender. To be short,
is the address of the “account” running the transaction, where the ether will be taken for gas transaction for instance. Andtx.origin
is the address of the contract which has interacted with the destination contract.- If it is a smart contract, tx.origin == address of the smart contract.
- If it is a person, tx.origin == msg.sender, address of the account publishing the transaction.
To fill hacker and demolition skills we need to call the contract wit values:
. -
To fill the engineer skills we can set –gas-limit close to 50000 but above of it. I had got some trouble wtih this part and thanks to HTB support i found that my gas limit was too low (50000). So i send with –gas-value = 60000.
Here is the final command:
cast send $TARGET --gas-limit 60000 --from $ATTACKER --rpc-url $RPC_URL --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY "application(uint16,string)" 1337 "BOOM"
We can fire this command until there are no more require error and get the flag.